HACCP Treatment


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points 

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

Most food preparation companies that export or sell their goods locally need this system in place. HACCP Treament involves control points which are monitored regularly to make sure a pest-free environment is created. This is done systematically by these following steps:

Do you need an inspection?

We would gladly assist in all your contractual inspections:

Conducting an analysis of all possible biological, chemical or physical food hazards and risks
Determining the critical control points, so that we can eliminate the hazards or minimise their likelihood of occurrence
Establishing critical control limits and preventive measures so that these can be met
Monitoring these critical control points by regular testing and checking
Establishing corrective actions to be taken should monitoring indicate a CCP is not under control
Keeping accurate records to show the system is working correctly
Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application

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Companies • Small businesses • Body Corporates • Restaurants • Food Processing Factories

Companies, small businesses, body corporates, restaurants, food processing factories…etc may prefer a structured, guaranteed service to maintain a pest-free environment. Once-off treatments last a reasonable period but aren’t effective at keeping away pests over a longer period.

It is simpler – and in the long term less costly – to maintain a pest-free environment than trying to get rid of them once they become re-infested.

There is nothing like a roach in your salad. Flick Pest Control’s treatments are non-intrusive, discreet and effective and can be done monthly, two monthly or quarter yearly, depending on the specific requirement. We look after portfolio managers’ buildings, office parks, restaurants, etc. and are trusted by many of the leading property managers in KwaZulu-Natal.

Do you need an inspection?

We would gladly assist in all your contractual inspections:

Companies & businesses
Body Corporates
Food Processing Factories

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Localised White Ant Treatment

Localised White Ant Treatment

Termite (White Ant)

Termite (white ant) infestation in commercial properties can be costly to treat, as the factories, warehouses or shops are typically large. Termites attack the wooden structures, wooden shelving, pallets, cupboards, etc. The insects gain access through cracks in the concrete slab, through expansion joints, the foundation walls or even subfloor (cavity areas) underneath a building.

The general practice in KZN for an effective treatment for white is preventative, in that it is done at the time of the construction. The compacted soil is sprayed with a registered termiticide, prior to the concrete slab being laid. It is important to have this done by a registered professional pest control company.

However, where infestation is detected in an existing dwelling, holes are drilled along all walls and the termiticide injected into them under pressure. Where required, the foundation perimeter would also be excavated and flooded with the chemical. All holes and excavations are repaired and are seldom noticeable on completion. The earlier the infestation it detected, the less costly and disruptive it is to treat.


The inspection is conducted in the following areas of the home:

Attic areas
All crawl space areas

Call Flick Pest Control today on 031 2022372 if you are worried about possible white ant infestation at your home or business. 

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Tent Fumigation


Commercial Buildings • Factories

When it comes to commercial properties, there are numerous reasons owners might consider tent fumigation. Flick Pest Control would inspect the property first to determine the extent of the infestation and look at the best way to treat this. It is not always as simple as putting tents over the building. Most of these buildings / factories are very large and the commodity or structures requiring treatment a fraction of the size. 

These can vary from small admin offices inside the factory:

Admin offices inside factories
Wooden Shelving
Imported Furniture
Wooden pallets

Treatments are mostly done over a weekend as staff occupy these areas during normal working hours.

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General Pests


Ants • Fleas • Ticks • Cockroaches • Fishmoths • Bedbugs • Spiders
Rats and Mice • Termites • Wood Borer

For your convenience, we have detailed only the most relevant, commonly found pests in the greater Durban area. If you have a domestic pest control problem not listed here, and would like advice or assistance with identification and / or treatment recommendations, please contact us on 031 202 2372, or via the contact page on this website.

General Pests

For more information click here to view the Pest Library:

Rats and Mice
Wood Borer

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