Cockroaches are common to commercial premises, especially in the greater Durban area. The species of cockroach and the extent of the infestation which are important considerations when preparing an effective control program.

Coackroach Treatment

Cockroaches are treated by the placement of baits/gels in hiding and/or feeding areas and also by the application of new generation pesticide formulations, to cracks, crevices, cavities, the rear of appliances and other potential harbourage areas around machinery etc.

  • Gel Bait
    The gel bait act as an attractant and food source for cockroaches. After being consumed, the bait interrupts the breeding cycles as a result of cockroaches transferring the bait to each other through their carnivorous nature and habit of grooming each other.
  • New Generation Low Toxic Chemicals.
    The products Flick Pest Control uses are new generation, low toxic baits and insect growth regulators. When used properly, and in conjunction with each other, both products provide effective long term control of cockroaches.

Coupled with the use of non-toxic monitor traps; this system has proved to be very successful at sites where cockroaches have been a problem. Exclusion and hygiene issues should be addressed to discourage re-infestation, as well as inspection and quarantine measures to check incoming goods in an effort to minimise the possibility of a cockroach infestation being introduced into the premises.

Call Flick Pest Control today on 031 202 2372 if you are worried about possible infestation in your home or business.
We will arrange a no-obligation inspection by one of our qualified technicians, and recommend the most suitable treatment option, should this be required.