Wood Borer

These wood-damaging pests are known to attack expensive antiques and even a building’s structural components. They are common throughout KwaZulu-Natal, in particular along coastal regions where the climate is conducive to breeding.
Wood borer beetles cause extensive damage to homes every year. Fortunately, a substantial amount of this damage is actually preventable.
Homeowners often don’t realise they have a wood borer problem until the resulting damage becomes visible, so early identification is important before they cause more harm.
There are four stages of wood borer development:
· Egg -> Larva -> Pupa -> Adult beetle
Adult beetles lay their eggs in cracks in wooden objects, floorboards and timbers. When larvae hatch they immediately begin to burrow through the timber, making it very unlikely they would be seen. They’ll be hungry and your woodwork will be their only food source. Safely inside the wood, they continue to tunnel and feed for several years.
As the larvae mature and increase in size, they ‘bore’ towards the wood surface to pupate, and emerge as adult beetles.
Larvae live for 3 – 5 years, boring through timber before emerging to breed.
Signs of Wood Borer
- Eggs – these vary in size depending on the species, but all are difficult to spot with the naked eye.
- Wood Borer larvae – usually a creamy-white colour and curve-shaped.
- Fresh exit holes in timber – round or oval shaped with sharp edges, the holes will appear clean and fresh.
- Bore dust (also known as frass) – caused by emerging adult beetles, usually visible below the infested timber.
- Tunnels in the wood – also known as ‘galleries’, which are often hard to see.
- Weak and damaged floorboards – in extreme cases, a foot or chair leg going through the floor can indicate a more serious problem.
- Crumbling wood – around corners or edges to roof joists or floorboards.
- Dead beetles and small wings – usually found near the infested timber or around nearby windowsills.
Woodborer Treatment
Fumigation is largely avoidable, and early detection of any wood borer can be easily treated. While many homeowners have inspections done – as required by law in KZN – when they have sold their property; or only after an infestation is suspected, this is counter productive. We recommend annual inspection by a reputable, professional pest control company, as the earlier wood borer is detected the simpler and less costly the treatment.
Should an infestation be identified, there are two main treatment options, depending on the degree and stage of the infestation. If detected early enough, the best treatment option is spraying. However, if the infestation is rife, the home will need to be fumigated (tent fumigation).
If left untreated, wood borer can seriously weaken timber, which may lead to structural failure of timbers.